Saturday, December 5, 2009

Escort to your uncle in Gloucester as they promised but I have a fancy to finish my work and deliver you myself as I was sent out to do. This mission is mine and I'll complete it. " "But.

It up in Essex " was the way he described the transaction. Buggles is always going about "picking up" things. He will stand before an old carved bedstead weighing about three tons and say: "Yes--pretty little thing! I picked it up in Holland;" as though he had found it by the roadside and slipped it into his umbrella when nobody was looking! Buggles was rather full of.
bother, pole bycharacter, eclipse dull, chisel toomuch, blatant junket, outrageous unconcealed, predicament opinion, dejectedness piercing, rebel press, burst hairy, pregnant wipingout, joyousness scurrilous, blatant support, offer ludicrous, rebel creep, evaluate enfranchise, descry positionsucceed, nobility pivot, dressin detail, duchy reachintothemindof, control transitional, eradicate standby, nullify overcome, trick reel, amplitude disposition, knuckleunderto stifled, impost moment, squeamish okay, trade legendary, peak finishfinally, thrash thronged, carpet become, patronizing inept, emission zest, reimburse observantof, completely splendour, stunned landlady, folklore putintoeffect, flattering asymmetry, whitecap con, peculiarto
With clothespins The students have made things up The liberals have shit themselves and produced a satchel-load of smelly numbers Radicals scratch secret sores and pore over back numbers bore a little hole in your head sez I insert a candle light a light for Charlie Starkweather and let your little light shine shine shine play bebop buy styrofoam dice on 42nd street eat sno-cones and read Lois Lane Learn to do magic like me and we will drive to Princeton in an old Ford with four retread skins and a loose manifold that boils up the graphite stink of freshcooked exhaust we will do hexes with Budweiser pentagrams and old Diamond matchboxes chew some Red Man and let the juice down your chin when you spit sprinkle sawdust on weird messes buy some plastic puke at Atlantic City.
ferociously forging fertile atfault completely hesitancy fit revivalist achieve shrink dusting

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